Hello again Everyone,
Well, as May dawns we’re still confined to our houses or short walks, so all the more reason to look and listen for the natural world around us. This time we’ll look at some birds, flowers and insects that mean summer really is just around the corner. Do try it, I think it’s often thought that our wild plants and animals are just for nature lovers but that really isn’t the case at all. Physically, they are a vital part of the way this Earth works and mentally they can contribute hugely to our peace of mind. Last time we looked at some songbirds and early flowers, but now the swallows and swifts are arriving and the air is full of their noisy cries. There are also a few more plants which are in flower now, and one of the early summer butterflies.
I hope you enjoy it – there is so much to see and hear and take our minds off all the problems of isolated living.